- 接続詞だったら「because」
- 前置詞なら「because of 」
例えば、これを because を使って英作文してみると以下のようになります。
My tutor asked his roommate to make dinner instead of him because he was tired because of working outside all day.
My tutor asked his roommate to make dinner instead of him because he was tired because of working outside all day.
このように、because と because of が近所にいるので、あんまり格好がつきません。口語だったらそんなに変じゃないと思いますが、文章にするとちょっと変です。こういうときは代わりに from を使うのがお勧めです。
from ~: ~なので,~によって,~のせいで,~が原因で
My tutor asked his roommate to make dinner instead of him because he was tired from working outside all day.
My tutor asked his roommate to make dinner instead of him because he was tired from working outside all day.
これで「~なので」を because と from という2つの言い方で表現することが出来ますので、より格好がよい英語となります。
もちろん以下のように from 単品で使用しても全く問題ありません。
My grandfather smoked too much. That is why he died from laryngeal cancer a while ago.
My grandfather smoked too much. That is why he died from laryngeal cancer a while ago.